
1. Classify these lexical relations into these categories: ideographic synonymy, stylistic synonymy, perfect synonymy, simple antonymy, gradable antonymy, reverses, converses, taxonomic sisters, markedness, homographs, homophones, pure homonyms, polysemy, meronymy, hyponymy. For meronymy, specify the type of meronymic relationship.

Above - Below

Begin - Commence

Dessert - Meal

Red - Blue

Dog - Bitch

Open - Shut

Scarlet - Red

Before - After

Ball (I bounced the ball) - Ball (I went to the ball)

Long - Short

Lion - Mammal

Slew - Slough

Expect - Hope

Collarbone - Clavicle

Motherboard - Computer

Monday - Wednesday

Good - Bad

Enter - Leave

Hook (fishhook) - Hook (punch)

Pass - Fail

Easy - Difficult

Come - Go

Horse - Steed


2. What is homonymy?

A. When a word has two or more unrelated senses.

B. When a word has two or more related senses.

C. When multiple words share the same meaning.

D. The lexical relation of inclusion of one class in another.


3. What is polysemy?

A. When a word has two or more unrelated meaning.

B. When two words have opposite meanings.

C. The part-whole relationship between lexical items.

D. When a word has two or more related meanings.